Bigg Boss 17, the popular reality show hosted by Salman Khan, is known for its twists and turns. The show often introduces new wildcard contestants to spice up the drama and create new equations in the house. The latest wildcard entry is Ayesha Khan, a social media influencer and actress, who has a shocking connection with one of the existing contestants, Munawar Faruqui.
Who is Ayesha Khan?
Ayesha Khan is a model and influencer who has over 2.1 million followers on Instagram. She is also an actress who has appeared in some web series and music videos. She is known for her glamorous and bold photos and videos on social media. She has also been part of some controversies and allegations in the past.
What is her connection with Munawar Faruqui?
Munawar Faruqui is a comedian and actor who is currently one of the most popular and smartest players of Bigg Boss 17. He is also known as the mastermind of the show. Munawar has a massive fan following and he has been very real on the show. He is praised for his maturity and friendship with Mannara Chopra. He is also very clear that he is in a relationship outside the house with Nazila Sitaishi, whom he met on another reality show, Lock Upp.
However, Ayesha Khan has claimed that Munawar was in a relationship with her as well, while being committed to Nazila. She has accused him of cheating on both of them and lying to her about his personal life. She has said that Munawar contacted her on social media, expressing interest in casting her for a music video. However, the video never happened, but he told her that he loves her and that he has broken up with Nazila. He also told her that he is doing Bigg Boss and the day he was about to enter the house, she saw his picture with Nazila on social media. She realized that he was two-timing her and Nazila.
What is her motive to enter Bigg Boss 17?
Ayesha Khan has said that she is entering Bigg Boss 17 to get an apology from Munawar Faruqui and to expose his true face to the public. She has said that she wants people to know that he is not what he pretends to be on the show. She has also said that she wants clarity and closure from him. She has also hinted that she might create some trouble for him and his friendship with Mannara Chopra.
How will Munawar Faruqui react to her entry?
Munawar Faruqui has not yet reacted to Ayesha Khan’s allegations or her entry in the show. He might be unaware of her claims or he might have a different version of the story. It will be interesting to see how he will face her and what he will say to defend himself. He might also face some backlash from the other contestants and the host Salman Khan, who might question his integrity and loyalty. His relationship with Nazila Sitaishi might also be affected by this controversy.