Dange is a Hindi war drama film directed by Bejoy Nambiar and starring Harshvardhan Rane and Ehan Bhat in the lead roles. The film is a remake of the Tamil film Por, which also had a different cast and was directed by the same director. The film is based on the real-life events of the 2019 Pulwama attack and the subsequent Balakot airstrike by the Indian Air Force. The film revolves around two friends, Dange and Por, who join the army and become rivals when they are assigned to different missions. The film was released on March 1, 2024, and received negative reviews from critics and audiences.
A clichéd and unrealistic story that lacks depth
The film suffers from a clichéd and unrealistic story that lacks depth and originality. The film tries to be a gritty and realistic war drama, but ends up being a melodramatic and over-the-top affair. The film does not explore the characters and their motivations, and relies on stereotypes and tropes to establish their personalities. The film also fails to create any empathy or emotion for the characters, and makes them look like cardboard cutouts. The film also does not delve into the political and historical aspects of the Pulwama attack and the Balakot airstrike, and uses them as mere backdrops to justify the heroism and the violence.

The film also suffers from a poor screenplay and direction, which make the film boring and confusing. The film jumps from one scene to another without any flow or logic, and leaves many plot holes and loose ends. The film also has many unnecessary and irrelevant scenes, such as the songs and the flashbacks, which hamper the pace and the mood of the film. The film also has many logical errors and inconsistencies, such as the hero’s ability to survive multiple bullet wounds and explosions, or the heroine’s lack of reaction to the death of her husband.
A mediocre performance by the cast and the crew
The film also fails to impress with its performance by the cast and the crew. Harshvardhan Rane, who plays Dange, does not suit the role of a tough and patriotic soldier. He looks uncomfortable and unconvincing in the action scenes, and does not have any charisma or screen presence. He also does not share any chemistry with Ehan Bhat, who plays Por, his friend and rival. Ehan Bhat, who made his debut with 99 Songs, does not have much to do in the film, except for looking angry and sad. He does not display any emotion or expression in his performance, and does not make any impact.
The supporting cast, which includes Nikita Dutta, T.J. Bhanu, and Manikandan R. Achari, are wasted in their roles, and do not add any value to the film. The film also does not utilize the talents of the crew, such as the music director Karthik, the cinematographer Jimshi Khalid, and the editor Presley Oscar D’Souza. The film has a dull and bland music score, which does not suit the genre or the mood of the film. The film also has a poor cinematography and editing, which make the film look amateurish and cheap.
A disappointing war drama that fails to impress
Dange is a disappointing war drama that fails to impress the fans and the critics. The film does not live up to the expectations of the genre and the director, and does not showcase the director’s signature style and vision. The film is a bland and boring affair, which does not offer anything new or exciting to the viewers. The film is a letdown for the fans of the genre and the director, and is not worth watching.