Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya is a Bollywood film that released on February 9, 2024, and has been getting positive response from the viewers and the critics. The film stars Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon as Aryan and Sifra, a human and a robot who fall in love. The film is directed by debutant Anubhav Sinha, and is produced by T-Series.
The film is a sci-fi romance with a twist, as it explores the relationship between a man and a machine, and the ethical and emotional dilemmas that arise from it. The film also has elements of comedy, drama, and action, as it shows the adventures and the challenges that the couple face in their journey. The film is a remake of the Hollywood film Her, which starred Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson.
The film has received praise for its concept and its performances
Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya has received praise for its concept and its performances, as it offers a fresh and a different perspective on love and relationships. The film has also created a buzz on social media, where the fans have been sharing their reviews and reactions after watching the first day first show. Many have appreciated the film’s message and the chemistry between the lead actors, who have delivered convincing and charming performances.
The film has also received a U/A certificate from the censor board, which means that it can be watched by the family audience. The film has also witnessed a good advance booking, especially in the urban centres, where the film’s genre and theme have appealed to the audience. The film is also expected to benefit from the Valentine’s Day weekend, as it is a perfect romantic film for the occasion.
The film is a breakthrough for Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon
Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya is a breakthrough for Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon, who have proved their versatility and talent with this film. Shahid Kapoor, who is known for his romantic roles, has taken up a challenging and a different role in this film, as he plays a man who falls in love with a robot. He has portrayed the complex emotions and the conflicts of his character with ease and grace, and has also impressed the audience with his comic timing and his action skills.
Kriti Sanon, on the other hand, has played a robot who looks and feels human, and who develops feelings for a human. She has delivered a stunning and a nuanced performance, as she shows the innocence and the curiosity of her character, and also the intelligence and the charm. She has also matched Shahid Kapoor in every scene, and has created a memorable and a lovable character.
The film has a strong technical team and a catchy soundtrack
Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya is not just a film with good performances, but also a film with a strong technical team and a catchy soundtrack. The film has been written and directed by Anubhav Sinha, who has made a promising debut with this film. He has crafted a unique and a engaging story, that keeps the audience hooked and entertained. He has also handled the sci-fi and the romantic aspects of the film with balance and finesse, without being unrealistic or cheesy.
The film also boasts of a talented crew, who have enhanced the quality and the impact of the film. The music of the film has been composed by Amaal Mallik, who has given some peppy and melodious songs that suit the mood and the theme of the film. The cinematography of the film has been done by Manoj Lobo, who has captured the beauty and the contrast of the urban and the futuristic settings of the film. The editing of the film has been done by Chandan Arora, who has ensured a smooth and a crisp narration of the film.
The film is a refreshing and a different take on love and relationships
Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya is a refreshing and a different take on love and relationships, as it does not follow the cliched and the formulaic pattern of most romantic films. The film does not glorify or romanticise love, but shows its complexities and challenges. The film also raises some interesting and relevant questions about the nature and the future of love, and the role of technology and artificial intelligence in it.
The film is a must-watch for all those who love sci-fi and romance, and who want to see a new and a mature perspective on love and relationships. The film is also a treat for the fans of Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon, who have delivered one of their best performances in this film. The film is a rare gem in the Bollywood film industry, and deserves all the praise and appreciation it has been receiving.